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pbdMPI (version 0.5-2)

Utility execmpi: Execute MPI code in system


This function basically saves code in a spmd.file and executes MPI via R's system call e.g. system("mpiexec -np 1 Rscript spmd.file").


execmpi(spmd.code = NULL, spmd.file = NULL,
    mpicmd = NULL, nranks = 1L, rscmd = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
    disable.current.mpi = TRUE, mpiopt = NULL, rsopt = NULL)
runmpi(spmd.code = NULL, spmd.file = NULL,
    mpicmd = NULL, nranks = 1L, rscmd = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
    disable.current.mpi = TRUE, mpiopt = NULL, rsopt = NULL)


Basically, only the PID of the MPI job (in background) will be returned in Linux-alike systems. For Windows, the MPI job is always wait until it is complete.



SPMD code to be run via mpicmd and Rscript.


a file contains SPMD code to be run via mpicmd and Rscript.


MPI executable command. If NULL, system default will be searched.


number of processes to run the SPMD code envoked by mpicmd.


Rscript executable command. If NULL, system default will be searched.


print SPMD code outputs and MPI messages.


force to finalize the current MPI comm if any, for unix-alike system only.


MPI options appended after -np nranks --oversubscribe .


Rscript options appended after Rscript .


Wei-Chen Chen wccsnow@gmail.com and Drew Schmidt.


When the spmd.code is NULL: The code should be already saved in the file named spmd.file for using.

When the spmd.code is not NULL: The spmd.code will be dumped to a temp file (spmd.file) via the call writeLines(spmd.code, conn) where conn <- file(spmd.file, open = "wt"). The file will be closed after the dumping.

When spmd.file is ready (either dumped from spmd.code or provided by the user), the steps below will be followed: If spmd.file = NULL, then a temporary file will be generated and used to dump spmd.code.

For Unix-alike systems, the command cmd <- paste(mpicmd, "-np", nranks, mpiopt, rscmd, rscmd spmd.file, ">", log.file, " 2>&1 & echo \"PID=$!\" &") is executed via system(cmd, intern = TRUE, wait = FALSE, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE). The log.file is a temporary file to save the outputs from the spmd.code. The results saved to the log.file will be read back in and cat and return to R.

For OPENMPI, the "--oversubscribe " is added before mpiopt as mpiopt <- paste("--oversubscribe ", mpiopt, sep = "") and is passed to cmd thereon.

For Windows, the cmd will be paste(mpicmd, "-np", nranks, mpiopt, rscmd, rsopt spmd.file) and is executed via system(cmd, intern = TRUE, wait = FALSE, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE).


Programming with Big Data in R Website: https://pbdr.org/

See Also



Run this code

### Save code in a file "demo.r" and run with 2 processors by
### SHELL> mpiexec -np 2 Rscript demo.r

spmd.file <- tempfile()
suppressMessages(library(pbdMPI, quietly = TRUE))
", file = spmd.file)
pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.file = spmd.file, nranks = 2L)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab